Sunday, September 12, 2010

New week of life

I have a slight dread of starting a new work week where I am work loaded only.  I would like to get something more in my life, but am unsure as to what that would be.  I am really only living for my family so that is a good enough thing but I need to get my own stuff going on.Juggling all that I can have in life can be just a few things as I fumble and drop more than what I can handle.  Everyone has the same amount of time each day so to utilize my time to be as effective as possible is key I think. 

We should look into tax saving ideas as we jumped into the middle tax bracket and am not keen on giving more money to the government than necessary.  I need to amend CZ's 2009 taxes to get a bigger refund.  I forgot to include something which would give more back. 

We moved some stuff into Java's garage until the flooring is done in the living room.  Got to visit with my nephew and sister for a little while, that was enjoyable. 

Saturday, September 11, 2010

I think people are offended

I went on some free online websites that let people post items for sale or wanted ads and posted a wanted ad for jars of pennies.  There are many people who hate pennies and just collect them and then get rid of them eventually.  Why not it be for me...well for my kids?  Anyways, I have gotten some stupid replies from this.  One person saying they had jars and went and rolled them and took them to the bank and got cash for them, when am I coming for them?  Another I got was like I have 14 cents, you have to pick them up though.  (rolls eyes)  Ya ok.  People don't like rolling their pennies, don't like using their pennies, so why not ask?  No skin off my nose if it doesn't come about no one responds. 

Anyways.  I am finding work and life needing some pick me ups, only to find we are not doing so well with only my income right now. CZ will be getting EI soon, but don't know when that will be coming in.  We should see about pawning some stuff we don't use much and see if we can make the ends meet.  Our bills are a bit behind now.

I need to get up earlier tomorrow.  It's almost 2pm and I feel like my day has only started...I got up at 11:30am.  9 am will work.I did get the dishes done, got a load of laundry in, but really need to get the kids and I to make a dent into getting the house together so the flooring can get put in.

Have a great day all:)


Sunday, September 5, 2010

all or nothing

I 've missed a couple of months on here eh?  Anyways Crush and Rootbeer have gone back to school.  I've been working full time while Coke Zero is not working.  He's an apprentice and he'll be going to school soon since he was laid off.  CZ is taking the kids to school everyday so that is pretty sweet.  When I get home I get the kids to go get their clothes ready for the next day as well as their lunches and soon homework.  It's been working out good so far.

CZ and I have had our tenth anniversary last month and we got a wonderful present from my dad of flooring for our townhouse.  CZ has been working on the floor mostly while I do the clearing out mostly.  I got to paint the new doors for the kids rooms last night so I enjoyed that a lot. They were a bleak yellow and now they are a brilliant white. Wonderful.  Painting is relaxing to me.

I woke up so stiff I took a hot bath right out of bed.  I am not a bath person at all, but that was sooooo helpful.  It just loosened up everything.  Marvelous!   Went to Costco for a few items and discovered my hubby's prescription was $15 cheaper there!  What a difference!  So I transferred everything of his over there. 

I should get off of here and go work on something.  The living room needs to get emptyed so I'll go do that....CZ gives me the impression I can do stuff when it's the carpet needs to come up, but I don't think CZ would like to see me take it up and get it out of the house...but maybe I'm projecting that.  I should just ask him right? 

So my weight loss journey has taken a turn to oblivious street.  I haven't been doing any of the tracking I should do and so I just know that I'm eating too much of the wrong foods and I have gained some back.  I should go and weight myself just to see where I'm at.  Anyways.  Talk to you soon:)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Ya it's Friday!

CZ and I are going to Boonstock in Gibbons tonight.  Mathew Good Band, etc will be on and we'll see how it turns out.  CZ got free tickets from a co-worker so that is why we are going.  RootBeer and Crush are finished school next week on Tuesday so I booked off those days too.  I am working two days next week.  It looks like we are going to try to go camping too.  CZ doesn't work the 1st as it's a holiday, so we can go out on Canada Day.  We haven't gone camping in a couple of years so it will be a treat if the weather stays nice.  We got ourselves a two room tent we got from costco from their old stock for like $80 so that was a great deal.  it's still in the box.  We should look into a bbq that we can take on the trip too in case of fire bans.  A fire is awesome while camping though. 

We are going to be kids free tonight, that is sweet!  Java will have Crush and Sudzie will have Rootbeer.  I'm looking forward to it.  Have a great night everyone!


Sunday, June 20, 2010

It's Father's Day!

I should call my Dad and wish him a happy father's day.  I will do so after I write.  Coke Zero wants  to sleep for a while longer then wants french toast for breakfast.  Don't know what time though.  I'll make the f.toast in an hour or so.  I do feel a bit jealous though, on Mother's day he treated it like any other day for me.  The kids did their thing, but he didn't do anything.  I feel like doing the same thing, but I won't.

So I found all the accessories for the camera and Coke Zero (CZ) charged up the camera.  Yaaaa!  I can get pictures of life again:)  Maybe I'll get some on here....

The family and I went to an event thru my mother in law's work where we had a carnival type thing go on.  It was real fun.  The kids really enjoyed it.  I went and collected a whole bunch of cans and bottles for the kids for money for them....CZ said he was embarrassed...but he doesn't keep the cans etc from his lunch that we buy so I wanted to.  They were going in the garbage.

I have an idea for the kids, I am going to post a wanted ad for pennies on freecycle, earthcycle, craigslist, buysell and kijiji and see what happens...I mean a lot of people hate pennies, I could see some people responding.  I only want big collections of them I will have to go pick them up and a little won't be worth the drive to get them.  I could see it being successful.

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I called in today

I was feeling dizzy and nauseous when I first woke up so I called in.  I fell a bit worried about it, but really I need to put that aside as whatever.  Then my dad called to let me know he was in town from his trip to Ontario so I went out with him.  I got to see my nephew today and he's too cute.  First Dad and I went for lunch and then to Walmart to see what stuff was there.  I got Coke Zero some clothes from the kids for Father's day and a couple of shirts for Java...I never got her a birthday present, so I finally got her something.  She's in that transitional stage where she'll be losing her baby weight and getting back into her regular clothes.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Coke Zero's 32 birthday:)

He's turning 32 and he had to work today.  Too bad for him.  I had to stay home from work today as Crush was sick with the flu last night and recovering today.  So I did some organizing and I am not done yet but have put a real dent in some stuff.  I am happy about that.  Coke Zero wanted burger and poutine for his birthday supper so that is what I'll get him.  I will get the kids and I something too...figure that out when I go get stuff.  I also got him a Dairy Queen cake so I hope that he'll enjoy everything.:)

School is going to be done so soon.  I have got to see if I will be taking a couple of weeks off for the kids in August or what will be going on. 

Monday, June 14, 2010


I am being so counter productive with my eating.  Too much junk is what I am putting into my body.  I have licorice, cheezies,  ice cream with chocolate...and this is only today.  I know what the general way I need to live, but doing it is such a blank for me.  I need to plan it and do it.  It would be so nice if I could lose weight with Coke Zero or Java or all of us together, that would be helpful.  I know Java will be joining Weight watchers again, or follow the program completely because it works for her.

Coke Zero's birthday is tomorrow and he picked out a stereo for his truck which we picked up yesterday which he installed already.  I think we'll pick up a DQ cake for his birthday...I go his card already.  I should have booked off tomorrow to get a few things together but maybe I can arrange to get off work a bit early.  I hope so anyways.

I have some ribs that I want to bbq tonight.  I have never grilled them before, so I hope it turns out great.  My kids better try them, they can be too picky about food.  I'll bake up some potatoes and veggies to go with them.  They should be yummy.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday, Sunday

What a gorgeous day today will be.  It's going to be place will heat up and not cool down until tonight, so sleeping will be a challenge but this weather will be great.  I need to remember to keep the kids sun protected, I didn't put sunscreen on Rootbeer and his shoulders are a bit burnt today.  I am sorry for that. 

I have been wanting to get an acreage for the last little while, but since visiting my dad last weekend, a bug has been in my ear about it more.  I would love to get this place we're at all fixed up and sell it for as much as we can get for it.  That would be sweet, and try to get a place within a half hour of the city would be ideal.  I want to get my kids out of this area we live in and get them some space.  To actually get that done will take some planning but I hope we can go for it soon...I don't know though, it just seems like a dream.

I want to go and visit my nephew and my sister, niece and my mom.  They live here in the city but I don't go as I want.  He's going to be a month old soon and I'll have missed the in between.  I want to be more involved with my sister's life and the lives of my niece and nephew.  She called me yesterday and we chatted mostly about weight watchers.  She used it to get her weight down before she got pregnant again.  She is going to follow the program to do it again, and we can encourage each other to live in a healthy way, lose weight on the way. :)

I love the blog.  It's so awesome.  I hope it's beautiful today where you are:)


Saturday, June 12, 2010

getting there

Yaa...two entries today...

So Coke Zero's Birthday is coming up next week and he has finally decided what he wants for his see he had no clue as to what he wanted.   He wants to get and install a stereo system in his truck.  The stereo will be the easy part.  The install kit that goes in the dash is the more challenging thing as they are hard to find for this vehicle...for some reason.   

My dad is in Ontario for a family reunion and called today.   I got to talk to one of my cousins which I haven't heard from in like 18 years.  She has a facebook page, only I can't find it through the search engine...I tried to find her through her email address too but it also didn't work.  I shall find out how that'll come about soon. 

What's up?

My tracking has been falling to the wayside with everything.  I am tracking my food, my spent money and my blog, and I've been missing these things.  I will be getting these on track but I would like get them a part of my life sooner than later.    I'm taking Rootbeer and Crush to their last clay class for this session and then I will have to look into their summer activities for August and get those arranged.  I only have a two week period where they have to get some more stuff planned so it's pretty good.  I'm contemplating just taking those two weeks off and have them just hang out at home for some fun, but I will talk to Coke Zero and see what he says about the finances...he could be in school for his apprenticeship so that may not work. 

Anyways, I want to get my day started so I shall go.  Have a great day all:)


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I'm not satisfied

I want to find a job more satisfying.  I probably won't, as this one has the hours I want, but I am not finding my position all that great.  I am bored with it, that's why I liked moving to the late night as I was able to have more responsibility.    I wouldn't mind going to work for the bank again as a teller, but I don't know if that could happen with the right hours.  I could look into it.

I have a lot of housework that needs to be done, plus getting my kids to do their homework so I need to go.  I want to write on here as much as possible.

Friday, June 4, 2010

I called in to work

So Crush is a bit sick.  She's been coughing a lot and she's having pain when she pees so I figure her immunity is down some...she been having recurring pain with peeing so I'm taking her to the medicentre to see what the doctor says.  The kids have an appointment with their pediatrician on Monday but whatever, that is a check up.

I can go to a weigh in today if I get there at the right time.  I don't want to see what I've gained...but really jump back on and get the horse moving....that weight loss horse...

Well, thanks for reading my blog, I'll be gone for the weekend to my dad's so everyone have a wonderful weekend:)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

That was fast:)

I got set up with direct deposit for my pay and it was in my account for my first cheque...SWEET!  I love direct's so convenient.    So I am tracking my food and my spent moolah so I can try and get a hold of theses things.  Our spending has been so all over the place that we should be able to have more in savings or something, but there is almost zip saved...if we had a big emergency we would be screwed.    Coke Zero may be getting laid off in the next few weeks so when that happens he can take his second year schooling and then continue getting hours after.  He will be getting his grant for his first year soon, so that will pay for the schooling...

So yesterday I lost track of time and then Coke Zero got home and I had no supper I was going to get something out for him.  As we switched the vehicles cause I can sometimes get the parking space in front of the house on the street...there was this little girl skipping down the sidewalk by herself.  She looked like she was only 4 or so...not old enough to be by herself in our society at all.  I saw people nearby and asked them if she was hers, but I called the police to see what to do...they asked me to ask her about if she knew where she I had to go ask her...she had gone to the park to play on the playground, but then left going the waqy she came, so I turned my car around and stopped near her to ask her if she knew where she lived.  She Just kinda mumbled and then seemed to hang expecting me to something.  I asked her where her mommy was...anyways she didn't answer loud enough for me to hear anything she said so I called the police again and this time I hung out on the phone with the dispatch officer kinda following this little girl so the police could find her to take her home or something.  I think the girl got a bit freaked out cause she noticed me driving slow and then she took off up a hill into a park...anyways I hung out on the phone for 15 minutes until a cruiser was able to show up, by the time they got there, she had moved away from the street and I couldn't see her...but the officers who came to check this out called me back and told me they had found her and they were going to take her home.  I don't know anything else about what happened but I hope her mom was freaked out her girl took off and that the police brought her home enough to keep watch and somehow keep her at home so she doesn't wander off.With all the awful stuff to go on in this world we need to help as we can...I felt while doing this no good deed goes unpunished but really I wouldn't want anything to happen to any little kid if there is something I can to to help.  So my husband had to wait extra for his food...but if I had just made something at home, I wouldn't have seen the little girl...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

It's June!

How is it that half the year is almost gone?  Have you accomplished a few of thing s you would like?  I have been wavering about my weight loss journey, I have found myself just eating whatever and I can tell I am gaining.  So I will keep tracking myself and try to eat within my points.  I would love to get into a a size 12 this fall.  I think it may be doable.  I guess I need to keep up myself and just continue to be aware of my intake.  It's a balance.

So I have wanted a vending business for a long time.  I occasionally check on the commercial real estate listings what is for sale and at present some one is selling their vending business...17 machines for 15K.  Doesn't matter though, I have to get my life in order before I can even try selling it to my husband...I really should move on....I usually do eventually.

My family and I are going out to visit my dad this weekend, he is about 2 hours away.  I should go visit my mom too...she had a stroke and not getting out as much as I am sure she wants...I feel guilty about not getting to see her more often.

I haven't seen my new nephew since he was born last week either.  I would like to see how he has grown since last week...

Monday, May 31, 2010

New Week

Getting the kids ready for the day is completely like pulling teeth.  They are pokey and complain like it was their job.  It get's tiresome listening to them.  They have they're last after school program with one of two they have after school.  If I get myself together I will get to the gym after work to ride the bike and stretch out.  I would have completely forgotten until I drove by the place on my way to work, then I'd have mentally kicked myself for forgetting.  Gotta go, times flying away.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Got to the gym today!

Rootbeer and Crush go to a after school activity, which ends next week, but anyways, I got to go to the gym and get some time on the stationary bike and stretched too.  I'm glad about that.  I want to get myself in there at least three times a week.  We shall see....

I just finished the Lost TV series and it was real great.  I cried with sappy tears. I will be real sad next year when Law and Order will be no more.  At least that what I heard on the radio, that after 20 years it's over.  At least the other two will stay on for the time being.  Everything ends though, right...

I have been feeling real tired the last few days...must be my change of pace.

Monday, May 24, 2010

I'm an Auntie again:)

My sister has had her son, 7lbs, ?ozs this morning at 7:30.  It was fairly quick, especially compared to her firstborn's birth...She dropped off my niece last night and they went to the hospital, she got an epidural around 2am and had a rest until 7am, then pushed for 20-30 mins and birthed her son...who is not yet named...but her spouse said she'll be staying in the hospital for another day and then she'll go home.  Java's spouse-I'll call him Tim- is going to come pick up Edie soon...and his mom will be coming to stay and help them for a few days.  I'm glad.  A new baby and a three year old will be a handful and an adjustment to get used to.

I am so gassy today...I'm trying to remember what I ate that is making me so gassy but I can't think of it at the moment. 

So I am wanting to get the clutter of my home downstairs to the basement so I can at least have a decent home where I won't be embarrassed to have people in the place.  I have a buffet thing which is a clutter magnet that has a missing drawer that I plan to throw away soon.  I am going to just get some boxes and pack up the clutter-throwing away as I can-and put it downstairs.

So I want to keep on track with my eating today. I only want to eat within my points as I have used up all my weekly points already.  I need to get some activity in too...I'll get there.  I CAN DO IT!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I gained 2 lbs this week

It's good it's not more.  I have not been on plan at all these last few days, so really what do I expect?  It's simple math right, too much in becomes a gain, eat less than you use and it's a loss.  Anyways, today I will make a plan to follow the weight watchers plan...really that is what I have to do.  I got myself a WW pedometer to see about what I activity I do to earn any extra points and so far I haven't earned any activity big surprise though.

We as a family went to see the last Shrek movie in 3D and it was impressive.  You have to pay extra to see it in 3D, but it was very cool.  Makes it worth going to the theatre to see a movie on the big screen.  I think the extra is for the glasses you have to if I buy them I'm keeping them. 

I've decided to clear the clutter out of my main floor and take it downstairs so at least the main floor is descent.  Sometimes i think what I should do with old boxes of stuff downstairs is just garbage them so I can put other stuff down there, but Coke Zero says we should go through them to make sure there is nothing valuable in them...of course he's right, but ... just to make some space...

Friday, May 21, 2010

What ideas do you have?

Coke Zero and I will be married for 10 years this August and I want something special.  First thought was of jewelry, then I thought of furniture for the house, then I thought of renovations to the house...then thing is I don't think we can spend a whole lot.  I originally thought of a cruise where all of us as a family could go...we don't have the money for that for sure...we don't want to use credit...we didn't use it well in the beginning of our marriage and racked up a lot of debt and had to file bankruptcy and a proposal which we still have a couple of years on the credit report to deal with.  We have one credit card and we are going to switch it out so it'll be in Coke Zero's name and not mine just to build his credit back up. 

I have not been focused on my weight loss at all.  I am just eating whatever and I am sure I gained.  My work is a busy place so I may have lost something...but I don't know for sure.  Why am I spending money to follow plan when I am not actually doing it?  I have decided to go to the gym so I can exercise.  If I continue to send my kids to the early drop off at the school I could plan on going to the gym and do some riding the bike, maybe some weights...we'll see.  There is a leisure center on my way to work that I just discovered is easier to get to than the one that I thought was closest.  :) 

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Repeat Dream?

I had a repeat dream last night, it didn't vary from what I remembered.  I find dreams so busy and hard to describe all the details.  I know I dreamt it before in it's entirety.  That is not a common thing for usually has changes.  Who dreams in color?  in a blandness that has slight color?  that one is me...there is little color in my dreams.  It's not black and white.  I don't find myself remembering them like when I was younger, is that common?  I'm not that old, just 36 right now.

Coke Zero has gone out for the first time is a while.  He's hanging out with some co-workers that are leaving to go back to eastern Canada.  I'm glad he's hanging out, it literally has been too long since he's hung out with people.  I do miss his presence but whatever, I'll see him tomorrow, and he'll tell me about his time's great.

I am off to bed.  I should do some dishes...there are very little clean ones but I want to sleep...I can get to them in the morning.  Who does all their dishes before going to bed?  Who is an organized person?  Not me...I am needing to work on my discipline in so many areas of my I mentioned in today's earlier blog post.  exercise, food, money, budgeting, housecleaning, child many things to get better.  How do we do everything?

It's my Friday:)

I booked tomorrow off as Rootbeer and Crush don't have school.  But I could have worked as Coke Zero will be home too, only I'm pretty sure I'm scheduled to work Monday(in Canada it's a holiday...)so I'll be making time and a half....anyways the new schedule will be up today...well it better be.

I signed up the kids for summer programs in July, I have to figure out August now.  My dad agreed to help with paying for more summer programs, so that'll be awesome. 

My weight loss journey is having a detour.  I haven't been tracking this week and I have been eating all over the place.  I need to rein it in.   I need to overcome a lot of stuff...and with life being a journey everything that I have issue with is something I have to work on overcoming.  When I've overcome stuff, then other things will come to my attention to's just how life is.

I have to work on  housekeeping, disciplining my kids, weight loss...those are what I am focused on at the moment.  I've got to go.  It's time for kids to go to school.  Have a great day people:)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Man oh man it's friggin hot!

So hot...I must cool's 30C right now....I know it is beautiful weather but, I know...BUT?  Anyways it is thinning out my blood as I am pretty used to having it cold.  I got to work over at the Walmart location of McDonald's right across the street from my work...same owner I guess...there is only a couple of people there and I liked the flow.  I was there only a little while though during the lunch rush.  I was asked to stay later, but because I pick up my kids I can't...The manager who does the scheduling screwed up the day I wanted off, this Friday as my kids are off for a PD day.  Next weeks schedule isn't done yet...that doesn't seem right to me.

Coke Zero woke up sick...couldn't get off the toilet and felt called in.

My sister, I'll call her Java as she loves her Tim Horton's, Java is going to have her baby this week I think...probably this weekend.  That means I won't be able to work if she goes into labor before the end of the week.  That's ok though, I'm here for her.

Well I am too hot to get anymore down here so you have a great night all, thanks for reading... :)


Monday, May 17, 2010

First Day of Work....

My first day of work at the new location and it is fairly different...Just stuff I"ll have to get used to...I got a Team Leader uniform and at this location they have to wear hats....I haven't had to wear a hat for over a year...blah...I am not finding the people overly friendly, but then, I may need to be friendlier. It was also very busy for most of the shift.  I found it difficult to do the extras that are needed to be done, but only after the customers are taken care of first.  Like cleaning the lobby, garbage's,  trays,  stocking...and everything else.

It will be a hot week all was 31C today, and the rest of the week will be real warm too.  I'm sitting typing this out in my underwear and tank top...and it's too hot in them.  I am used to cold cold weather though, so really this is a treat.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Wow+27C today:)

27C is nice and warm...I think we'll have a thunder storm tonight...I like them too...when it gets warm enough to have warm  showers that is the best...

We had a great time yesterday fishing and picnicing....I caught a trout:)  All told we caught 5 trout...they are all small ones, but no size restrictions so Coke Zero is cleaning them and filleting them in the next little then we'll be eating 'em.  I really enjoyed yesterday.

So this year is Coke Zero and I's 10th year anniversary and I want something special....We have learned a lot of crappy stuff about each other and still love and live with each other so really... we should both get something special....

I start my new job tomorrow...that is a little nerve racking as I haven't been a team leader per se, but really I think I should be fine.  The job is the same basically, and I have worked at McDonald's for a year and a half so I know the job, it's just a new setting and new people.  I will have less responsibility as I don't have to do supervisor really a piece of cake... :)

I have to go and sign my kids up for some summer activities so working during the summer will be an option.  I should do that asap before all the program is filled up.  (I write this listening to NOW radio...bopping my head along...not singing along only because Coke Zero is reading and it would interrupt his reading...such a great station)

Well thanks for reading my blog...I hope your day is wonderful:)


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Going fishing....

We are going to go fishing again later.  We are having a picnic too. 

I had my weigh in today, I was so sure I gained, I was not expecting any loss.  So I had .4lbs of a pretty happy about that.  I should try harder this week to get some exercise in so I can get some weight loss happening.  I will be happy to get past the 190lb's been a long while since I have been in the 180's.  I would like to get to my goal of 148 sooner than later...but it's the journey that matters the needs to be at a healthy pace. 

So Crush made me a bowl for Mother's day, it's so precious, the words Happ oters Day is on the lip of bowl...the M and y fell I asked her to make them and we'll glue them on after they are fired.(pottery)  Honestly I find this is one of the more heart warming presents I have gotten as a mom...I want to post a picture but my camera charge cord is misplaced right now and I don't know how to get phone pictures on the net.  Coke Zero might know-should ask him.

I want to ask a work buddy if she wants to join me in my weight loss journey-she mentioned wanting to lose some weight-she bought herself a Wii to exercise with, I don't know yet though.  I would love it if Coke Zero would, it's just easier to do with a buddy...I am not finding the group at the WW meeting I go to as very outgoing...they seem cliquey...We had a different leader today and I liked her..she made me laugh.  Anyways, I just have to continue and live...I have a total weight loss since joining WW of 14 lbs, but if I include the last year-I was about 230...I guess it adds up to 40lbs....ya me:)  That's pretty cool!  I've been working this last 1.5 years so that has helped.  I should ride my bike everywhere this week, that will get some exercise in.  I used to ride everywhere before I was married.  I am sleepy, maybe I'll have a cat nap...

Wonderful Weather today

It's going to be 22C today-around 74F I guess for you Americans...Rootbeer and Crush are signed up for a kids pottery class for the next few weeks and while they are creating stuff, Coke Zero and I will be going to The Fishing Hole for some tackle.  We went fishing last night at our urban fishing hole here in Edmonton-Hermitage Park- and Coke Zero had some nibbles, only the hook was too big-the trout are small...can catch five fish per size restrictions...I have to find my WIN card to get my fishing license.  The kids got to practice their throw until I figured they were good enough with a hook.  They'll get to do some fishing today when we go for a picnic  at the park.  It'll be fun.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday, Friday...

So the mortgage payment comes out today.  We have it arranged to be paid every two weeks, it pays the mortgage faster.  Only when we re-did the mortgage renewal we had them change the time back to 25 years for lower payments.  We can do prepayments every once in a while to pay down the principal faster.  Not that we have yet...hmmph....I am annoyed with Coke Zero.  He's given me half the mortgage payment and he's got a whole wack of money.  I may be feeling jealous.  I got paid this Monday but it was my last one and I won't get getting paid again until my first cheque in probably two or three weeks.  He gets paid weekly and he makes way more than me.


So Coke Zero and I are not separating things as of now, we are going to track everything we spend money on and how much money we have in our wallets and get receipts whatever we can to keep track of our money.  We will then have an idea of where we are at and then can make a budget we can follow.  Coke Zero has changed his mind and I feel better about this step we are taking.  

I don't feel like I lost any weight this week, if anything I gained again...I don't know for just feels like it.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Got Dad's stuff Done

So Dad's stuff got finished today.  He's got his Builders' Lien on there for a while now, which should get the owners to take notice.  I hope he get's his money...

Thursdays are early dismissal days for my kids and so picked them up for 2 pm.  I bought a whole bunch of bacon ends and fried them up and portioned them out and threw them in the freezer.  All told I got 12 pounds of uncooked bacon.  It's very tasty too....I got extra for my MIL as she also loves bacon.  It was only .99 a pound.

So Coke Zero and I are having money issues....we need to figure out how the finances will be. There is more to it than I can say at the moment, but we tentatively have it arranged to talk tomorrow about the money setup.

I am taking Rootbeer to an Asthma Clinic tomorrow as he went to the hospital a couple of weeks ago over his having a hard time breathing.  He has it more when he is sick, but since springtime is here, it makes sense he is reacting.

I am going to bed right away.  I hope all who read this is healthy and happy, thanks for catching up with my life.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Working on Legal Stuff

I was helping out my Dad today.  Basically going to keep a builders' lien on a land title so he can get paid for work he did on a property.   We have to go in the morning to see if he can get the Order of Ex-Juris for the defendants to serve them notice. 

On the food front I have eaten only within my points today so victory in that!  I can have veggies if i get hungry, but not more things with points.

I bought like 4lbs of bacon for .99 a pound and I cooked it up so I can easily reheat it and serve it.  I just have to use wax paper to line the slices and freeze 'em.  That's how the bacon at McDonald's is done.  I'm going to see if there will be any tomorrow so I will get a couple more, one for my MIL and another to cook up to freeze. 

I have to get my kids to bed, so Have a great night:)


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I am employed:)

I am starting next Monday...there's a few things that need to get done this week so that works out great.  I will need to come in for uniforms as the ones I have are supervisor uniforms.  I took a $2 drop in my wage, but I was going to be getting a drop anyways most likely going somewhere else, so it's still great.

So in my weight loss journey, it's going backwards right now.  I want to get down on myself, but that really doesn't accomplish much so I need to pump myself up and just go out and follow the plan...get out and ride my bike, go to the gym...go and do stuff and eat right:)  I can avoid junk food, I can plan out our meals, I can eat within plan, I can lose weight and get healthier.  I CAN do it:)

I have a lot of housework I need to do...that is my life though...I missed getting rid of useful stuff to the cerebral palsy society yesterday...totally forgot...I know I have lots to give away...I guess I'll freecycle it.  I told my neighbour I would request pregnancy clothes for her on there as she wanted to find some used clothes...

So who loves singing?  I love singing, and for some songs I rival the singers...and others I flop:)  Anyone check out the radio station on my blog?  They play all sorts of music...I like 'em lots and I sing to lots of those songs:)

I couldn't finish the paperwork for my dad yesterday so he's coming in form out of town to come and answer the questions at the info centre we'll be going to.  He built a road on an acreage and stuff and the guy who owns the place won't pay him.  He's got a builders lien on the land title, but it expires soon and so to keep on there he is submitting some stuff to the court to keep the lien on there so the guy can't avoid paying my dad...when he sells the land my dad will get his money...and the gossip pipeline is saying that the parcel of land with the lien (the owner) is just waiting for the lien to expire then sell the land.

Monday, May 10, 2010

I need to get busy:P

I have got to call my old work, then the possible new work to arrange stuff...don't know exactly what stuff...then pick up my cheque.  I have to get downtown to the law courts to get information for my dad about keeping a lien on a property. 

Well I'm off...going to get my money and deposit back later

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

So today I got to sleep until 9:40am...I went to bed about 12:30am.  Went to my MIL's for a breakfast of belgian waffles with cool whip, chocolate chips and strawberries and bacon.  Very yummy...hung out for a while and then took my kids to spend the money they earned with the money form the bottles we returned yesterday.  I made supper and we all sat around the table to eat...we don't actually do that a lot.   I'm working on my dishes, just taking a break from them.

So it looks like the job hunting I did yesterday worked, the place I did the application form, they called my old manager and he gave a great reference.  They called yesterday and said they'd love for me to join the team and to call Monday.  So I hope to be working this week:)  What a relief.  I am going to ask for a wage of $11.50/hour.  I was at $13.30 as a supervisor and as I am demoting myself basically that is what I hope for.  I will see.

My kids made me pictures.  My son made a fridge magnet with a picture he painted and my daughter made a picture that was laminated.  They were both beautiful...I should take a picture and post it...I got to find the charging cord for my camera though....

I am going to call my hubby Coke Zero, my son Rootbeer, and my daughter Crush....I'll be Pepsi...I noticed a lady calling her family after coffee, pop is my thing so here's my version.:)

I hope all your day's were wonderful!


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Still need to make supper...

It's 8pm and I am baffled as to what I should make for my family...I guess I partly want to just get something out, but we need to eat up the food at home.  I realize asking what people are having for dinner is not going to work for me for ideas as when I check back on here, it'll be late or tomorrow:)

I have a weight watchers cookbook so I should use it.  My dad gave us half a cow a couple of months ago so I should use up this meat...make a roast every week...hmmmm....with sweet potatoes...and green beans....that should work for another day....

Well, you people have a great night:)

Weigh In

So I went to my weigh in and did gain 1.2lbs.  Well it's obvious that the base of it is too much intake means the body holds on to it.  I have to purge the garbage from my house...junk food..and then eat way better.

I am going to do some job hunting today, though I think the stores will be too busy to really focas on job hunters.  I will go and fill out applications and talk to the manager on duty.

I will be dropping my kids off at a pottery class and their poppa will pick them up to give me more job hunting time.  We are having some money stuff going on so I need a job.

I'll write later...enjoy your day all:)

Friday, May 7, 2010


So I am finding myself be complacent in my weight loss journey.  It's been about three weeks since I Iost any weight.  I may track my foods, but I am needing to do more to lose more weight.  So exercise is one that needs to increase.  I enjoy bike riding so I should do it.  I even got this wonderful wide seat that doesn't bother my ass and it's good.   I also need to meal plan and follow the portion sizes.  I am not working at present so this should be something able to be done.

I am positive I gained this week.  Last week I WI at 190.2, so I am probably up a pound. I can't blame anyone but myself as I am not having anyone force feed me, right?  There is too much junk in my home too, so maybe I should get rid of it...I was addicted to regular Pepsi, but I now enjoy Diet Pepsi and it tastes great.  I still drink a lot of pop but it is diet.  I figure this is still a victory as it is calorie free.

So can someone tell me how to put pictures in my posts?  Do I use the Edit HTML button in the new post tab when creating the blog post?  I don't think so, but maybe...I will look in the help area...

I hope to read some blogs, I will look forward to any posts:)  Thanks to all who read, and those who post:)

Getting the Boot

I am getting the boot financially in our household.  I have not managed the money 100% and so my husband wants to do the money.  I am not against this as he hasn't done his very much.  We need to curb our spending and get it under control, I just want respect that he demands in situations.

Anyways, we all, my family, and mom and sister 's family went out for supper last night and it was a nice time.  As on Friday's we don't work and neither does my hubby's mom so we go for breakfast.  It was a good breakfast, our server she's great, attentive.  I brought my mom today too.  I think she finds it hard to understand us and so doesn't join in the conversation too much.  She also doesn't have the bottom teeth in so that affects her speech too.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mom's Birthday

So it's my Mom's 65th birthday. It looks like we'll be going out for supper for her birthday instead of lunch.  My mom lives in an assisted living place because when she had surgery to remove a brain anyurism she had a stroke too.  A fairly devastating one where she can't take care of herself entirely.  She can't speak well because she has aphasia.  Anyways, she has other affects from the stroke.   She is better than when it first happened but she'll probably never be the same.

I am trying to write this while my kids are getting ready for school, but it is distracting.  They keep doing stuff upstairs that sounds like trouble....:)...Well my girl did what I asked her and get dressed but my boy didn't.  So eating breakfast only in pj's is a small setback as he dilly dally's all he can and I get slightly annoyed with his actions.  I'll get him together.

I am going to my sister's house soon after the kids are at school to help her clean up the house and generally get ready for the baby that is coming sooner than expected.  She said that her spouse was coming home last night so that is great news.  He had some paperwork with work to do today, so it was just my sister, my niece and me.

I went and bought like the most fattening treat last night, Black Forest Strudels...I should NEVER buy those things.  I can't stop at one, they are worth 9 WW points and I get to have 27 points a day right now.  Tell me why do we go and get things we know are going to cause us temptation  and usually fall to it?  I've got to start planning meals for the week and sticking to it.  I don't have anymore weekly points so I need to earn more activity points.  It reminds me of the pull between our needs-eating right and our wants-eating junk, or too much or whatever it is at the moment.  Such a learning process.  I would love to ride my bike, but with it being so cold from the snow melting I don't have the heart to do it.  House work and using my big exercise ball it is...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hither and Yon

I have plans to finally get the truck towed, then do the housework that never ends, have a nap, pick up kids from school, eat within my points, make supper, apply online to some jobs-I see a job at a place that only serves breakfast and lunch so that is very promising...I would love think it would be great.  If it works for them it would be a very great beginning to a wonderful relationship...

My sister is 36 weeks pregnant and she called me yesterday about how she no longer has the mucas plug and how she needs to be on strict rest.  She sees her doctor Thursday, moved up one day only, but I told her I can watch my niece for her.  She must have taken her to her regular dayhome as my sister had an appointment this morning at 9:30am.  Her spouse is working out of town, so I hope he comes in right away.  I know he wouldn't want to miss out on the birth of his son.  He was there for his daughter.  

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Job Hunting...

Oh God, it looks like I may not get a position at McDonald's as they are not looking for people for school hours....rolls eyes...grrrrrr......initially when hired on flexibility was the main benefit of working there, but it seems it's changed.  I may try a corporate store to get a job, but I am putting it out in the air that I need a job from 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday except Thursdays. which would be 9am-1:30pm.  I am in Edmonton, AB, Canada.  Anyone out there looking for a competent person to work with customers, or supervise people...I can do it....I have experience driving a bus, I have experience with customer service, money with tills and the accounting for the daily switchover to the next day at McDonald's.  I have experience as a Bank Teller.  I was in the banking industry for six years.  Anyways, The hours are flexible within the 9-3pm. Preferably I would like to work the maximum but if not, so be it.

If I can't get on right away somewhere I really need to get my house in tip top shape, as my husband will be working 50hours a week if he works Fridays, he's got a union job. He works a 40 hour week, but with commute time he's gone like 13 hours a day.  Actually I still need to get the house in tip top shape either way, it's on me.  I'll get my kids to get in the groove of cleaning and such. 

Well I am going to work on my dishes, then my Dad's legal thing, then probably get the truck towed today to the mechanic's.

Good intentions

So ya, yesterday I really did plan to go talk to Pat at the restaurant about a job, but I frittered away my time until I had to wait for the afternoon, then had to deal with my hubby's truck issues.  So today after the kids are at school I will go.  I guess I am a bit nervous.  I also need to really work on my Dad's stuff too as I told him I would help and the deadline is coming up.

So my non-scale victory goal is to only eat within my points range.  I am noticing I am lying to myself about some foods I am eating, like they're pointless-literally...weight watchers pointless...but the food I am eating is not point free veggies but some chips, or a small helping of supper.  This is why I am not losing anything.  I seem to be eating enough to maintain the weight I am at right now.  Follow the plan...but to follow the plan I need to make a plan of the food I will be eating.  That is not what I am doing right now.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Going to get a new Job

So I am a busy woman today...I will be going to another McDonald's location and getting another job. To give some background I have been working at McDonald's and have become a supervisor but was working nights, where I now need to work days. The location I was at couldn't accommodate my availability change so I quit and my last day was Thursday. I really enjoyed my job for some reason. I still wanted to work at McDonald's, but have learned since quitting that I have to be available only certain hours for management. If I take a crew position than my hours of work are more flexible. So I hope to take a team leader position at this other location where it's also close by.

Then I also need to call my insurance company and get them to confirm I have the coverage to tow our truck to the mechanic so then I can get that moolah back. I also have to get my kids ready for school, work on some legal paperwork for my dad, call the mechanic, do housework, eat well, go for a bike ride if the weather stays nice, and I am sure I have forgotten something.

I want my goal for today to eat within my points range of 27, though I think that might be too much, we'll see. I think no chocolate would be a good thing today.I want to plan out my menu for the week too.

I am off to bed again, I can sleep for a hour until I need to get the kids get up.



So I didn't get to the job thing today, I had to deal with the truck and trying to get it in for service...trying to wheel and deal to save some cash.  We have emergency roadside service reimbursement with our insurance agent, but wanted to find out if we could access it to tow the truck to the mechanics.  I think we could arrange for it to get towed...I just thought to start it and move it into the roadway and wait for it to stall and then call a tow would be an emergency then technically....rolls my won't run and we are getting money right away, just don't have much

OT-I measured myself today and I have increased a bit.  

There are so many awesome e-tools on Weight Watchers that I like, the points and food finder, the opportunity to input my weight and measurements and see the graphs.

Weight: 190.2lbs
Hips: 125cm
Thighs: 59.5cm
Waist: 101cm
Bust: 109cm
Arms: 34cm

I was 204lb when I started in January so I am having fat come off, just not doing it too fast as I like my junk....I will have to limit myself more from it...

I should go and see if I am a size 16...I was an 18 before.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Yaaa! I have a blog:)

I think this is the best:) I like beginning an online diary per se of my weight loss journey, my life and the relationships in it.

I have made my hubbies lunch and jotted down my food eaten on Weight Watchers online so I need to get myself off to bed...
