Sunday, September 12, 2010

New week of life

I have a slight dread of starting a new work week where I am work loaded only.  I would like to get something more in my life, but am unsure as to what that would be.  I am really only living for my family so that is a good enough thing but I need to get my own stuff going on.Juggling all that I can have in life can be just a few things as I fumble and drop more than what I can handle.  Everyone has the same amount of time each day so to utilize my time to be as effective as possible is key I think. 

We should look into tax saving ideas as we jumped into the middle tax bracket and am not keen on giving more money to the government than necessary.  I need to amend CZ's 2009 taxes to get a bigger refund.  I forgot to include something which would give more back. 

We moved some stuff into Java's garage until the flooring is done in the living room.  Got to visit with my nephew and sister for a little while, that was enjoyable. 

Saturday, September 11, 2010

I think people are offended

I went on some free online websites that let people post items for sale or wanted ads and posted a wanted ad for jars of pennies.  There are many people who hate pennies and just collect them and then get rid of them eventually.  Why not it be for me...well for my kids?  Anyways, I have gotten some stupid replies from this.  One person saying they had jars and went and rolled them and took them to the bank and got cash for them, when am I coming for them?  Another I got was like I have 14 cents, you have to pick them up though.  (rolls eyes)  Ya ok.  People don't like rolling their pennies, don't like using their pennies, so why not ask?  No skin off my nose if it doesn't come about no one responds. 

Anyways.  I am finding work and life needing some pick me ups, only to find we are not doing so well with only my income right now. CZ will be getting EI soon, but don't know when that will be coming in.  We should see about pawning some stuff we don't use much and see if we can make the ends meet.  Our bills are a bit behind now.

I need to get up earlier tomorrow.  It's almost 2pm and I feel like my day has only started...I got up at 11:30am.  9 am will work.I did get the dishes done, got a load of laundry in, but really need to get the kids and I to make a dent into getting the house together so the flooring can get put in.

Have a great day all:)


Sunday, September 5, 2010

all or nothing

I 've missed a couple of months on here eh?  Anyways Crush and Rootbeer have gone back to school.  I've been working full time while Coke Zero is not working.  He's an apprentice and he'll be going to school soon since he was laid off.  CZ is taking the kids to school everyday so that is pretty sweet.  When I get home I get the kids to go get their clothes ready for the next day as well as their lunches and soon homework.  It's been working out good so far.

CZ and I have had our tenth anniversary last month and we got a wonderful present from my dad of flooring for our townhouse.  CZ has been working on the floor mostly while I do the clearing out mostly.  I got to paint the new doors for the kids rooms last night so I enjoyed that a lot. They were a bleak yellow and now they are a brilliant white. Wonderful.  Painting is relaxing to me.

I woke up so stiff I took a hot bath right out of bed.  I am not a bath person at all, but that was sooooo helpful.  It just loosened up everything.  Marvelous!   Went to Costco for a few items and discovered my hubby's prescription was $15 cheaper there!  What a difference!  So I transferred everything of his over there. 

I should get off of here and go work on something.  The living room needs to get emptyed so I'll go do that....CZ gives me the impression I can do stuff when it's the carpet needs to come up, but I don't think CZ would like to see me take it up and get it out of the house...but maybe I'm projecting that.  I should just ask him right? 

So my weight loss journey has taken a turn to oblivious street.  I haven't been doing any of the tracking I should do and so I just know that I'm eating too much of the wrong foods and I have gained some back.  I should go and weight myself just to see where I'm at.  Anyways.  Talk to you soon:)